Kubernetes: Remove stuck namespace in Terminating state

Original Source: https://bobcares.com/blog/remove-kubernetes-namespace-stuck-in-terminating/

To fix that you have to get the schema of the namespace as json File:

kubectl get ns <NAMESPACE_NAME> -o json > namespace.json

This command created a namespace.json file in your current directory.

Edit it with your favorite Text editor and search for this occurency:

"spec": {
        "finalizers": [

Now just remove the "kubernetes" line from the file.

Now it looks like this:

"spec": {
        "finalizers": [

Save the file and exit your editor.

Now execute this command:

kubectl replace --raw "/api/v1/namespaces/<NAMESPACE_NAME>/finalize" -f namespace.json

Now your namespace got terminated and you are ready to move forward.

Have a nice day :)
